Jury Hands Down Verdict in Johnny Depp's Favor at End of Defamation Trial with Amber Heard

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • A Virginia jury just handed down a stunning verdict, mostly in actor Johnny Depp’s favor, at the end of a rollercoaster defamation trial against his ex-wife and actress Amber Heard.
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Комментарии • 37 тыс.

  • @yenimaduena4108
    @yenimaduena4108 2 года назад +54449

    Justice is served. Johnny didn’t care about the money, he wanted to prove his innocence and he did. JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY.

    • @user-pt1le6cc8c
      @user-pt1le6cc8c 2 года назад +430

      I’m so happy 🎉🎉

    • @Eirexeyes
      @Eirexeyes 2 года назад +219

      Yes hun, justice is served..

    • @TheRafark
      @TheRafark 2 года назад +202

      Glad he won!

    • @benbellah3720
      @benbellah3720 2 года назад +268

      Johnny Depp Wins. Let's celebrate🍻🍾

    • @vintagebarbieworld9272
      @vintagebarbieworld9272 2 года назад +286

      Great!! So happy for Johnny! I don't think Amber deserves to be awarded $2 million though.

  • @____Hugo____
    @____Hugo____ 2 года назад +8151

    She told him to “ tell the world, the judge and the jury and see who they believe” guess today we have our answer!

    • @colliric
      @colliric 2 года назад +142

      Bingo! He told the world and the sane members of the world believed him!

    • @shwetakarki6585
      @shwetakarki6585 2 года назад +13


    • @WokeBegone
      @WokeBegone 2 года назад +40

      Hey, no fair using logic and facts! After all, Amber and her team didn't.

    • @dawnablalock3164
      @dawnablalock3164 2 года назад +31

      He told the world. I guess now she regrets telling him that. Glad he did.

    • @eddiebarrera147
      @eddiebarrera147 2 года назад +1

      Dang Osvaldo thought you were my brother.🙉🙉🙉

  • @ThePapaDeejay
    @ThePapaDeejay 2 года назад +4357

    "Tell the world Johnny!"
    He did. And we are thankful he did.

    • @stefanisykes2359
      @stefanisykes2359 2 года назад +17

      soo happy for him💗🙏🤗

    • @madness4798
      @madness4798 2 года назад +3

      I thought johnny sued her for 100m but the jury only said 15m from heard and 2m from johnny so technically she only lost 13milion isnt that really bad or how does it work ? From 100 to 13 is a win for her no ?

    • @adambosin269
      @adambosin269 2 года назад +17

      @@madness4798 he asked for 50million, she asked for 100.

    • @snowbird1381
      @snowbird1381 2 года назад +23

      Let this be the day that you almost caught captain Jack sparrow! This quote is gonna be everywhere for a bit 😁

    • @jamessmith6123
      @jamessmith6123 2 года назад +13

      @@madness4798 either way 13 million is more than she's even got.

  • @TheTV1972
    @TheTV1972 Год назад +814

    Rewatching this verdict a year later reminds me of how malicious this campaign was and really how unintelligent Amber heard is. She could still have a career if they just went their separate ways but she thought she was going to take him down and make him look bad which was her ultimate goal to hurt him.

    • @risingphoenix8072
      @risingphoenix8072 Год назад +40

      Yes, one of her multiple personalities “lost it” and did this awful thing because he was determined to leave her.
      There is a docuseries by “Depp Relatives” where they show her texts - she was still trying to be in his life long after the divorce. And with his life crumbling around him thanks to her.
      She is nuts.

    • @sarahplatt2703
      @sarahplatt2703 Год назад +12

      I'm only just watching this as from the clip they showed in the case ere in the UK of AH recording JD slamming kitchen doors but she was so concerned for her safety but chose to stay & video him, I knew she was lieing, as I've been in a DV relationship, she thought she could release all the statements & he would never say it was AH who was the abuser but I'm glad he did, he should take the UK press bk to court

    • @Emmm777
      @Emmm777 Год назад +5

      @@risingphoenix8072 Listen to the San Fran. audio where she broke her TRO to meet up with him. She was crazy in that.

    • @risingphoenix8072
      @risingphoenix8072 Год назад +4

      @@Emmm777 ok I will check it out. I’ve heard something about that tape. Was it played in the trial?
      That Brian fella, Imcredibly Average would also have it right?

    • @Emmm777
      @Emmm777 Год назад

      @@risingphoenix8072 I just search RUclips for San Francisco Depp/Heard audio. there was a segment played in court but it's quite long.

  • @BaDazai
    @BaDazai 2 года назад +21328

    He DID tell the world Amber, and we DID believe him.

  • @epalwk
    @epalwk 2 года назад +4677

    "Tell the world Johnny" - he did. And the world believed him. And Johnny WON!!

  • @shortstorykh
    @shortstorykh 2 года назад +8071

    This is the reason why you shouldn’t cancel people too quick. I remember people cancelling Johnny Depp.

    • @fliswa
      @fliswa 2 года назад +76


    • @perniciouspete
      @perniciouspete 2 года назад +532

      Why "cancel" people, anyway? It's a despicable practice.

    • @danniton9831
      @danniton9831 2 года назад +316

      "Guilty until proven innocent." Its a typical corporation motto.

    • @lbpdluis
      @lbpdluis 2 года назад

      @@perniciouspete people just follows trends like sheeps

    • @abubakrakram6208
      @abubakrakram6208 2 года назад +88

      @@perniciouspete Would you not cancel Amber Heard after this trial?

  • @InvertedFreeSolo
    @InvertedFreeSolo Год назад +1689

    Amber is an embarrassment to all DV survivors, male and female. She deserves every single ounce of disdain.

    • @shuvamthapa3797
      @shuvamthapa3797 Год назад

      no u are an embarrasment. if u really looked through all the evidence that has been shown you would know depp was the main abuser. you all take sides just because of what the media shows you. disgusting.

    • @lextorres1919
      @lextorres1919 Год назад +29

      No people take sides because most of them watched the entire six week trial which showed she is an abuser & a liar. He wasn't her first victim nor will be her last.

    • @InvertedFreeSolo
      @InvertedFreeSolo Год назад +7

      @@lextorres1919 agreed.

    • @manuelaporciani4829
      @manuelaporciani4829 Год назад +20

      @@shuvamthapa3797 she is a liar so she lost.stop defending this liar

    • @advancedbasicsAB
      @advancedbasicsAB Год назад +24

      she deserves to suffer terribly for all the pain she has inflicted on an innocent man

  • @Jeff-hn8iy
    @Jeff-hn8iy 2 года назад +6402

    Proving defamation is extremely difficult. Congrats to Johnny and his legal team for pulling this off. I hope he's able to begin healing now.

    • @natalielefebvre1628
      @natalielefebvre1628 2 года назад +34

      Well said and done

    • @Jeff-hn8iy
      @Jeff-hn8iy 2 года назад +116

      @Comment section guy I'm not a "Depp fan". Doesn't matter though...he won the case.

    • @Nordicsz
      @Nordicsz 2 года назад +176

      @Comment section guy I see you missed that they made a difference between Depp and his UK lawyer. The UK lawyer was ruled to be guilty of defamation and Depp was partially responsible for that, but the question after is if Depp specifically was guilty of defamation and the ruling was NO. Guess you only heard what you wanted to.

    • @wilsonlee4658
      @wilsonlee4658 2 года назад +10

      @@Nordicsz name checks out to be "Comment section guy" i suppose

    • @slam6802
      @slam6802 2 года назад +116

      @Comment section guy he was found guilty on 1/3 charges, and lost $2mil whereas she lose $15mil and was found guilty on every charge. The entire trial was only to get his story out there. He probably didn’t even expect to actually win the case, he just wanted to win the public opinion, which he did. In every single possible way you could look at this case, he won lol. Nice one, troll

  • @joshuansantos3799
    @joshuansantos3799 2 года назад +17088

    for those women who say that “this is a step backwards for women” they are wrong this is a step forward for justice and that any gender understands that being violent will have consequences no matter what gender you are.

    • @shaleamontanez4591
      @shaleamontanez4591 2 года назад +1108

      "There is no tolerance for violence" is what I hope people will take from this.

    • @pluckyheroine9482
      @pluckyheroine9482 2 года назад +157


    • @Hortonheardahoe
      @Hortonheardahoe 2 года назад

      No normal women are saying that. Only unstable, narcissistic, hateful people don’t see the truth here. Feminist want equality. We don’t want to be treated better than everyone else. We want to all be equals. Amber is a step back for women.

    • @bryantdorsey9074
      @bryantdorsey9074 2 года назад +243

      what women say that?

    • @meganmoon6197
      @meganmoon6197 2 года назад +691

      Exactly. SHE is the step backwards. Lying sets us back.

  • @thehottestbeatz
    @thehottestbeatz 2 года назад +4898

    “Tell the world, Johnny Depp, tell them, I, Johnny Depp, a man, I am a victim too of domestic violence, and see how many people believe or side with you.” That he did l, and not only did almost every single person believe him, but so did the jury. Justice served.

    • @ashleebenedict6523
      @ashleebenedict6523 2 года назад +82

      She never thought these words come back and bite her on the butt! I think Johnny should be thankful to her for giving him the idea.

    • @christelle1412
      @christelle1412 2 года назад +4

    • @KINGhotaru11
      @KINGhotaru11 2 года назад +12


    • @jessicamarie8299
      @jessicamarie8299 2 года назад +32

      Let this be a lesson to women who lie on men. There are many of Ambers are out here that need to be held accountable. Hope Johnnys case inspires more men who have been lied on to take action. They have to do this for all innocent men worldwide that have been wrongfully convicted.

    • @Xokatiesinsane
      @Xokatiesinsane 2 года назад +9

      Oh this made me cry! He won!!

  • @nintendokenakasuperyoshi1518
    @nintendokenakasuperyoshi1518 Год назад +316

    Don't destroy a person's life with lies and then expect them not to destroy your life with the truth.

  • @leokimvideo
    @leokimvideo 2 года назад +14227

    Thank God Johnny Depp survived this very personal and targeted attack from someone who now needs to get professional help for her illness.

    • @mulemule
      @mulemule 2 года назад

      I hope a professional sprinter helps her take a long walk off a short pier.

    • @arnoldsavy1907
      @arnoldsavy1907 2 года назад +365

      She can’t afford professional help now lol

    • @sookiebyun4260
      @sookiebyun4260 2 года назад +411

      I doubt that she will acknowledge that she needs help.

    • @simonsidorov
      @simonsidorov 2 года назад +45

      @@arnoldsavy1907 lmfao

    • @taylorlarkins5549
      @taylorlarkins5549 2 года назад +156

      You can’t fix someone who is pure evil.

  • @missjongang
    @missjongang 2 года назад +3248

    she said: "tell the world, Johnny" and he DID... not only did the Jury believes him, the WHOLE WORLD believe him

    • @КристиянТрънбашев-ш6г
      @КристиянТрънбашев-ш6г 2 года назад +68

      My dog stepped on a bee

    • @halal_spider9722
      @halal_spider9722 2 года назад +40

      @@КристиянТрънбашев-ш6г I was on the couch then I was on this carpet this dirty carpet wondering how I got here

    • @someone-zp7lr
      @someone-zp7lr 2 года назад +12

      @@halal_spider9722 I told the world he was having a megapint of alcohol but no one believed meee

    • @monacorising
      @monacorising 2 года назад +3

      Yes they did 😀

    • @AlexusMusic
      @AlexusMusic 2 года назад +9

      Yessss I love it ! Justice for Johnny has been served. Amber single-handedly ended herself & her “career” during this trail. No one will want to work with her EVER. She’s pure evil

  • @Zeroxore
    @Zeroxore 2 года назад +4309

    "No matter what happens, I did get here and I did tell the truth. And I have spoken up for what I've been carrying on my back reluctantly for six years."
    -Johnny Depp

    • @michelej8571
      @michelej8571 2 года назад +14


    • @jennyzimney464
      @jennyzimney464 2 года назад +26

      He sure did!! All those friends too of his that spoke the truth!! Excellent judge, jury, officers, lawyers and coverage !!

    • @almaprado969
      @almaprado969 2 года назад +10

      justice was served for johnny 😭😃🙏🏼❤️

    • @dianakent8393
      @dianakent8393 2 года назад +7

    • @PeaceDweller
      @PeaceDweller 2 года назад +29

      Knowing Johnny's sense of humor, I really hope he calls Disney and agrees to do Pirates 6 only to call back a few days later telling them that he declines after reading recent stories about them in the media!

  • @sarty88
    @sarty88 2 года назад +454

    This will always be the most satisfying thing I’ve ever witnessed

    • @TheIndispensableOpposition
      @TheIndispensableOpposition 2 года назад +3

      ​@Frogger bro is projecting 💀

    • @lordkinesis4432
      @lordkinesis4432 2 года назад

      Toss up for me between this and Kyle Rittenhouse's Not Guilty verdict. Those were back to back years with a great court outcome.

  • @mrn1mrod
    @mrn1mrod 2 года назад +6108

    “See how many people believe you.”
    Jury: “Yes.”

    • @annie-zw9yl
      @annie-zw9yl 2 года назад +1

      She belongs in prison 💩

    • @martini87c
      @martini87c 2 года назад +13

      Yessss exactly 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻☺️☺️☺️☺️

    • @mmehdi3437
      @mmehdi3437 2 года назад +6

      And millions of more

    • @TheBigVadi
      @TheBigVadi 2 года назад +5

      well at least 7 from the jury XD

    • @minagligoric8600
      @minagligoric8600 2 года назад

      you win the internet sir!!! 😄😇🥰

  • @djparkour1
    @djparkour1 2 года назад +17515

    Let’s have a round of applause for not just JD’s lawyers, but for the Jury in recognizing her lies and getting justice for Johnny!

    • @Fam0081
      @Fam0081 2 года назад +307

      I mean it’s was obvious who was lying 😂

    • @vb1816
      @vb1816 2 года назад +23


    • @carolineisabelskare4601
      @carolineisabelskare4601 2 года назад +31

      AMEN!!!! 🙌🙌🥲🥲🥲❤❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @waldowallace9102
      @waldowallace9102 2 года назад +240

      I would add that his witnesses and experts played a huge rule.

    • @Marley-18.
      @Marley-18. 2 года назад +175

      Honestly she set her own self up for failure

  • @ClutchDre__
    @ClutchDre__ 2 года назад +3266

    Every “Yes” was a nail in her careers coffin. Justice for Johnny ✊

    • @FabledGentleman
      @FabledGentleman 2 года назад +23

      Some of those Yeses was also towards Depp. He was convicted in this trial as well, to pay Heard 2 million dollars.

    • @PuhHunter
      @PuhHunter 2 года назад +21

      @@FabledGentleman so the other 98 million Heard has to pay to him xD

    • @freedomjusticehappiness5773
      @freedomjusticehappiness5773 2 года назад +6

      She already has 2 New movies in the pipe

    • @wideawake8190
      @wideawake8190 2 года назад +24

      @@FabledGentleman wrong. The 2 million goes to Johnny. They said she had not proved her case.

    • @annesophie4037
      @annesophie4037 2 года назад +6

      @@FabledGentleman Funnily enough only for the statements his lawyer made.

  • @farnluks6996
    @farnluks6996 2 года назад +571

    I’m so proud of these jurors. Thank you for your service.♥️

    • @chrisharger6
      @chrisharger6 Год назад

      They reached the right verdict against her, but the wrong verdict against him. His statements are not defamatory. Denying such allegations is not defamation. And, he is not liable for something someone else said. I'm glad the wrong verdict was dismissed.

    • @steveborn3455
      @steveborn3455 Год назад +2

      I like the respect shown to the jurors as the whole courtroom stands while the jurors are led back to the deliberation room. Citizens doing a very important job. Democracy.

    • @Mybpeterson
      @Mybpeterson Год назад

      @@chrisharger6 The split verdict was really surprising. In a way, it was good for Johnny. Amber couldn't walk out of the courtroom and say she didn't get a fair hearing. Johnny won all three, but he had already won in the court of public opinion. But if Amber had lost all three, she would've screamed that Johnny won because he was a powerful man, the exact thing she said in the op-ed. She never, ever would've shut up about it. The jury took away her talking points.

    • @risingphoenix8072
      @risingphoenix8072 Год назад

      @@Mybpetersonagree 💯. + it appeared that the jury placed liability on Amber alone, because Depp did not sue her friends. Strange verdict but understandable in the way you explained it.
      But the most important part of this verdict is rarely discussed: an award of punitive damages is a way for the jury to punish a person, the civil equivalent of criminal sentence after a finding of guilt.

  • @RachaelWard
    @RachaelWard 2 года назад +2878

    “Tell them Johnny”…. He did, we listened, the jury listened AND THE WORLD BELIEVES HIM!

  • @parus6951
    @parus6951 2 года назад +5407

    She could have stopped after the divorce but her narcissistic personality didn't allow her to. She had to destroy a man who was already destroyed even further. I am glad Johnny decided to stand up against this bully and I hope more people learned from this that its worth it to stand against their bullies because the truth wins in the End no matter how long it takes.

    • @sheisaMachine
      @sheisaMachine 2 года назад +110

      she's in her 30s she needs to learn and her Learning experience just so happened to be Public

    • @ChurchofPhillyWatch
      @ChurchofPhillyWatch 2 года назад +54

      @@sheisaMachine she looks older👀

    • @khalidbinwalid3352
      @khalidbinwalid3352 2 года назад +112

      She aged 15 years from this trial 🥴

    • @SykeThrone
      @SykeThrone 2 года назад +2

      This the best I understood it

    • @hxlog3697
      @hxlog3697 2 года назад +8

      @@ChurchofPhillyWatch she’s 36 I think

  • @Xplorer228
    @Xplorer228 2 года назад +2871

    This is huge for us who were told by our abusers that we wouldn't be believed because we're men. The only thing that should matter is truth!

    • @caobita
      @caobita 2 года назад +18


    • @kelsykrueger7690
      @kelsykrueger7690 2 года назад +23

      I'm so glad he said something. I hope he does something good with his experience.

    • @alexandrearaujoandradedasi550
      @alexandrearaujoandradedasi550 2 года назад +10

      Yes we'll rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again. Shouting the battle cry of freedom, we will rally from the hillside we'll gather from the plain, shouting the battle cry of freedom! The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! Down with the traitors, up with the stars! And we'll fill our vacant ranks, with a million freemen more, shouting the battle cry of freedom!

    • @MaverSta
      @MaverSta 2 года назад +9

      The future is bright 🥰 Protect our men, fellow women! ❤️

    • @dub3140
      @dub3140 2 года назад

      Yes thank you

  • @skar5541
    @skar5541 Год назад +180

    How did she genuinely think this would play out?It’s completely insane.

  • @rajakghosh6602
    @rajakghosh6602 2 года назад +2604

    AH told JD tell the jury, tell the judge, tell the world and they wouldn't believe him. JD told the world and we all believed him and JD won. JD's win is a victory for the survivors of DV.

    • @vaquera9368
      @vaquera9368 2 года назад +35

      Indeed, victory for ALL men falsely accused of DV!!!

    • @doge5731
      @doge5731 2 года назад +1

      Fr she is fked

    • @Cwtr
      @Cwtr 2 года назад +27

      Exactly. It's not just a win for Johnny but for all men who have gone through something similar

    • @april.4618
      @april.4618 2 года назад +7

      فعلا انتصار للحق ..اجمع..😍

    • @LuisSierra42
      @LuisSierra42 2 года назад

      But her dog stepped on a bee

  • @localjess838
    @localjess838 2 года назад +2988

    "Tell the world Johnny! Tell them you are a victim of domestic violence, and see if they believe you"
    Johnny understood the assignment.
    The world understood.
    The jury understood.
    Contrary to what your abuser would have you believe, the world will believe when they hear the facts.
    Speak up!

    • @lucyairapetian407
      @lucyairapetian407 2 года назад +13

      Actually the case was about defamation, but I appreciated your sentiment.

    • @SongbirdGLS
      @SongbirdGLS 2 года назад +9

      Well said!!!!

    • @barbarellla1553
      @barbarellla1553 2 года назад +8

      So true!

    • @numka82
      @numka82 2 года назад +28

      It only took 6 years, immense amount of evidence, luck and the best lawyers in the world. That's what really has to change

    • @Jenn-ie5vf
      @Jenn-ie5vf 2 года назад +25

      Best comment all day. This was never about hurting womens rights, it was about the real victim being recognized. So glad the jury saw that. And I"m so happy that Johnny chose to come forward with these claims

  • @MarcSamuels562
    @MarcSamuels562 2 года назад +8504

    Her response to this said that this was a “setback to women”. And she’s right. SHE is the setback. Women like her are the reason why real victims aren’t believed. I hope her career dries up immediately

    • @ninazada
      @ninazada 2 года назад +508

      I saw that on her IG and i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw it. She's just trying to take advantage of being a woman at this point. Not surprised she disabled the comments

    • @anasdomain9994
      @anasdomain9994 2 года назад +240

      Wait till the jury get on the internet and find out all of the other things she did that they couldn’t show in court 😂

    • @justlikeme2797
      @justlikeme2797 2 года назад

      Hello guy my name is Sam and right now am suffering from a medical condition and i really need your help financially. I promise you am not a scammer just a man in need. I couldn't work because of the pain. The bill is below 1000 dollar if anyone is willing to donate please let me know. I don't want to die. I know am not a celebrity and i don't have any right to asked any of you for help. But i am really in pain and i really need you all this once.
      I am from a third world country and that money would mean a lot if you don't have 1000$ then 500$ would be ok. Just reply me back if you want to help. May GOD bless you all abundantly.

    • @1904_j-
      @1904_j- 2 года назад

      She should become a transgender since she wants to act like a man

    • @cryingdemocrats1460
      @cryingdemocrats1460 2 года назад

      She's has on the right track to a dead end.

  • @Ughitswera
    @Ughitswera Год назад +128

    “Tell them Johnny, i Johnny Depp a man I’m a victim of domestic violence and see if the jury believes you” he told them and they believed him ❤️

  • @ProximityCODM
    @ProximityCODM 2 года назад +5455

    Shoutout to all the people , cameraman , reporters, alpacas, who worked really hard for this case and a huge thanks to Law and Crime Network for this reality show

    • @tharealnytro69
      @tharealnytro69 2 года назад +318

      Necessary that the alpacas were shouted out. They did so well.

    • @edit11
      @edit11 2 года назад +127

      Victory to Camille Vasquez. That Latina is the true champ for getting this Win for DEPP 👏🎊♥️

    • @sophie2084
      @sophie2084 2 года назад +17

      @@tharealnytro69 they really did

    • @Americasorola
      @Americasorola 2 года назад +31

      Alpacas haahahahaha

    • @MaishaOnTop
      @MaishaOnTop 2 года назад +45

      Alpacas 😂😂

  • @HumanityDEI2893
    @HumanityDEI2893 2 года назад +2046

    Camille Vasquez, Ben Chew, Penney Azcarate, the jurors, and the rest of the team did a phenomenal job. Never will their careers be the same, for the better.

  • @christinatrinh789
    @christinatrinh789 2 года назад +2742

    Shame on her for saying she was a victim of domestic violence. This hurts all of us who are survivers

    • @chasejordan9295
      @chasejordan9295 2 года назад +27

      It hurts lying maniulating women, if you are a real victim this only helps you :)

    • @puppy9515
      @puppy9515 2 года назад +4

      how? does these ppls problems affect u in anyway? smh

    • @0213mrdinero
      @0213mrdinero 2 года назад +2

      How does someone else’s problems affect you?

    • @Sadaaaaf
      @Sadaaaaf 2 года назад +36

      @@chasejordan9295 the win helps. Sure. But being a lying manipulative person hurts the victims since it will cause people to be suspect if they’re telling the truth or not.

    • @304sm4d
      @304sm4d 2 года назад

      Yb hurts victims better

  • @bindib352
    @bindib352 Год назад +93

    This was such a wonderful moment. Thank goodness for this trial. Justice was served! 🙌🏼

  • @evgeniya_podolyan
    @evgeniya_podolyan 2 года назад +8883

    There is justice in this world. Congratulations to Johnny and his team. Heroes. They did it.Thanks to the jury for listening to this man.

    • @bicnarok
      @bicnarok 2 года назад

      Film stars private row? There's wars being started for money, people getting slaughtered, where's their justice?

    • @charmainek6416
      @charmainek6416 2 года назад +7

      Yes Yes Yes

    • @behindthen0thing525
      @behindthen0thing525 2 года назад +1

      Спасибо, Женя

    • @BeZeta_
      @BeZeta_ 2 года назад +36

      Now her facial expression is really convincing.

    • @larik8977
      @larik8977 2 года назад

      То есть это конец суда, Джонни выиграл и получит 50 миллионов?

  • @lexii6789
    @lexii6789 2 года назад +5578

    This is the only time she’s shown raw emotion this whole trial….only because she didn’t get her way. Narcissists hate not getting their way.

    • @CreativeUsernameEh
      @CreativeUsernameEh 2 года назад

      Reminder that she was diagnosed with histrionic and borderline personality disorder by Dr. Curry, not narcissism

    • @mrsm7382
      @mrsm7382 2 года назад +246

      I thought the same thing. First time her face wasn’t forced into a frown. She actually felt sad. Even if it was just for herself

    • @kevtb874
      @kevtb874 2 года назад +181

      I feel like this is a lifetime of getting her way (or tricking herself or manipulating the scenario into her way) finally coming crashing down in the biggest, hardest way. Why else did she counter sue him? She thought she could BS and deceive her way out of it which has probably worked until now. That's why she is the way she is. That's why she took it this far. That's why she could lie endlessly on the stand for days on end. It's about time reality landed on her doorstep. To the tune of a ruined career, a ruined reputation and millions to pay no less. Justice.

    • @klebberbrazilian.theprofessor
      @klebberbrazilian.theprofessor 2 года назад +15

      Yes, indeed!

    • @Curiousever
      @Curiousever 2 года назад +54

      Her career may be over.

  • @mspionage1743
    @mspionage1743 2 года назад +7965

    This was a very important case. People who file false charges should be on serious notice now.

    • @voidroad
      @voidroad 2 года назад

      @DON'T WATCH MY VIDEOS ratio

    • @jc4388
      @jc4388 2 года назад +397

      It only took 6 years, millions of dollars, millions of fans and every important person in his life to clear his name.

    • @donnaidontwanna
      @donnaidontwanna 2 года назад +20

      It's a felony!

    • @mspionage1743
      @mspionage1743 2 года назад +116

      @@jc4388 Unreal isn't it?

    • @JoMcD21
      @JoMcD21 2 года назад +42

      What's her punishment?

  • @pam0626
    @pam0626 Год назад +92

    I was never a follower of Johnny Depp’s career and I’m probably one of few who has never seen a Pirates film, but I watched this entire court case. Depp was a class act throughout. And he showed such restraint in choosing to stay away on this day when the verdicts were read out. It would have been so easy for him to gloat, fists pumping in the air and taking a victory lap with the press outside of the courthouse. But he stayed away.

    • @grayskula
      @grayskula Год назад +1

      same except for the 1st pirates movie and that one with the vampire (i think that was him🤷🏻) i haven't watched any johnny depp movie's

    • @natashas.1566
      @natashas.1566 Год назад +3

      Not the only one :)

    • @Ghostface6528
      @Ghostface6528 10 месяцев назад +2

      Well he actually had a concert booked in the England on the day of the verdict, so even if he wanted to come, he couldn’t.

  • @rebeccay480
    @rebeccay480 2 года назад +2895

    This is a step forward for ALL victims to be heard no matter their gender. I am so proud of Johnny's legal team. They did an amazing job fighting for him.

    • @pererik6731
      @pererik6731 2 года назад +45

      I hope this case makes more men come forward with their DV stories

    • @EpicWarrior131
      @EpicWarrior131 2 года назад +51

      To me it symbolizes a step forward to stopping women from taking advantage of the privelege to automatically be believed when they accuse a man. If society wasn't like that, Depp would have never lost his career and good reputation, especially not his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow.

    • @bigbud4697
      @bigbud4697 2 года назад +5

      this will change nothing for the average joe

    • @TaylorPlays_
      @TaylorPlays_ 2 года назад +8

      @@bigbud4697 it will if he speaks up! 👏🏾

    • @P.Kenney
      @P.Kenney 2 года назад +6

      Camille rocked!!!

  • @jayATUK
    @jayATUK 2 года назад +1903

    I'm so happy that the jurors didn't fall for her lies and considered all the evidence presented. Awesome job

    • @eironyy
      @eironyy 2 года назад +27

      her acting was so bad that even my grandma wouldn't fall for that dont worry

    • @harrellt1405
      @harrellt1405 2 года назад +1

      There was too many to miss

    • @sammyocgirl7411
      @sammyocgirl7411 2 года назад +4

      me too...she is a gold digger her movie Career is over

    • @evanhodder7880
      @evanhodder7880 2 года назад +6

      His texts are pretty damning as well as the testimony of others. I don't see how he wasn't at the very least emotionally abusive

    • @robertasliutas2903
      @robertasliutas2903 2 года назад

      Let's be real here, if the jury would have felt for her lies it would be very clear that the jury was full of idiots,because to believe this woman you must be very thick

  • @TheKatera4a
    @TheKatera4a 2 года назад +2353

    "This isn't about the money, it's about sending a message." - Johnny Depp

    • @strutboysproductions7332
      @strutboysproductions7332 2 года назад +11


    • @Zsklar
      @Zsklar 2 года назад +40

      He could care less about the money. The guy is loaded. He probably won't even make her pay. That's the kind of guy Depp is.

    • @nsnz33
      @nsnz33 2 года назад +4

      Everything burns

    • @100EmotionalDamage
      @100EmotionalDamage 2 года назад +2

      "Amber heard burns..."

    • @tomasstana5423
      @tomasstana5423 2 года назад +7

      Except, Heath Ledger said that

  • @MK-sd8no
    @MK-sd8no 2 года назад +3547

    I’m glad the world has seen that it’s not always the man that is abusive in a relationship. Thank you for stepping forward Johnny!

    • @AndresGarcia-ho7si
      @AndresGarcia-ho7si 2 года назад

      That true how is going on to believe woman o man …well woman win old the time because they trusthem more the man… because man we have bad reputation them believe more woman more then man ..we are old the same

    • @Mapantz1
      @Mapantz1 2 года назад +5

      Well, according to the law, Johnny is still a wife beater. I'm not defending either of them, but his conviction still stands and many seem to forget that.

    • @eleonorakupryte1369
      @eleonorakupryte1369 2 года назад +79

      @@Mapantz1 what conviction?

    • @lukakirasic8358
      @lukakirasic8358 2 года назад +59

      @@Mapantz1 what convinction? If you referring to the UK trials then that only applies to the UK

    • @lewgallagher463
      @lewgallagher463 2 года назад +67

      @@Mapantz1 he hasn’t been convicted of anything. You know what convicted means, right?

  • @Alceste-Resister
    @Alceste-Resister 2 года назад +4307

    He told the world, the world believed him. It means so much for many victims, it will make a change for a lot of men in pain.

    • @Mark-zg4ky
      @Mark-zg4ky 2 года назад +62

      No, the world didn’t believe him. But he turned it around.

    • @Diana1000Smiles
      @Diana1000Smiles 2 года назад +11

      It's a man's, man's, man's World, but aren't both their acting careers over? Maybe Depp can play more Music, now?

    • @keepthefaith9805
      @keepthefaith9805 2 года назад +6

      Poor men 😂😂😂

      @ANTIQUELEGEND82 2 года назад

      To all women, contrary to belief, not all men are the aggressor and or aggressive in nature. Often when a woman is, they call the man weak to provoke aggressive behavior and then if that man gets to courage, then they flip the "Im the victim trap card!"

    • @Druggy-Doggo
      @Druggy-Doggo 2 года назад +1

      City Boys: +1
      City Girls: -♾

  • @dr.fajeraljumairi
    @dr.fajeraljumairi 2 года назад +9417

    Justice has been served !! I am so happy for Johnny. What goes around , comes around. "You reap what you sow"

    • @Jacob99174
      @Jacob99174 2 года назад +16

      Completely agreed with you, Dr!

    • @minkapete3305
      @minkapete3305 2 года назад

      Ioooo. I iPod km

    • @minkapete3305
      @minkapete3305 2 года назад


    • @allychin
      @allychin 2 года назад +9

      this women who call Amber need to go to go to jail she the witch of rosehall ann palmer

    • @121JBomb
      @121JBomb 2 года назад +3

      Their both terrible people. But I'm glad I get to see a pirate again.

  • @CiPhEr505
    @CiPhEr505 Год назад +455

    ...and Amber Heard will remember today as the day she ALMOST caught Captain Jack Sparrow

  • @theoutsider0724
    @theoutsider0724 2 года назад +1869

    "tell the world Johnny" he told the world, and the world believed him. Watching a liar like her getting punished is so satisfying.
    the truth never perishes.

    • @LeOt201209
      @LeOt201209 2 года назад +21

      Only after presenting tons of evidence against her... Don't forget that with just a few of her words the world turned its back on Johnny... Equality who?...

    • @ryanrachal5458
      @ryanrachal5458 2 года назад +7

      Punishment? Maybe of not being Victorious, but no real punishment for her actions

    • @jjandblue9072
      @jjandblue9072 2 года назад

      @@LeOt201209 I hate her and never believed her

    • @blazemusing5491
      @blazemusing5491 2 года назад

      Oooh yeeeeah!!!

    • @floatingtech-tite5395
      @floatingtech-tite5395 2 года назад +1

      @@LeOt201209 words on social media vs words in court. That's the real difference in the matter

  • @westcoasthighway379
    @westcoasthighway379 2 года назад +2956

    It's not about money, it's about justice, and justice was served this day.

    • @dustinchen
      @dustinchen 2 года назад +7

      no it wasnt lol

    • @6.7powerstroke13
      @6.7powerstroke13 2 года назад +17

      @@dustinchen how so? I'm just curious of why you think that is all man.

    • @kpetrova9835
      @kpetrova9835 2 года назад +34

      Amber Heard you will remember this as the day you almost won against Captain Jack Sparrow

    • @CA_Hardev_Jadeja1
      @CA_Hardev_Jadeja1 2 года назад +2

      But money matters

    • @AnnA-jd4xm
      @AnnA-jd4xm 2 года назад +19

      @@CA_Hardev_Jadeja1 honor matters more when youre already loaded

  • @treasonuniversity7455
    @treasonuniversity7455 2 года назад +2503

    “People cry not because they’re weak, it’s because they’ve been strong for too long.” -Johnny Depp

    • @edit11
      @edit11 2 года назад +16

      Victory to Camille Vasquez. That Latina is the true champ for getting this Win for DEPP 👏🎊♥️

    • @fodasse3324
      @fodasse3324 2 года назад +33

      he never said that

    • @Just_A_Random_Desk
      @Just_A_Random_Desk 2 года назад +37

      You can literally put that quote on anyone and get likes. I'm glad Johnny won and all, but be more original lmao

    • @Jax-pg3zm
      @Jax-pg3zm 2 года назад +2

      the quote doesnt even make any sense

    • @tonyg5292
      @tonyg5292 2 года назад

      @@Jax-pg3zm yes it does he just was let the one who said that

  • @opyimistprime
    @opyimistprime 2 года назад +107

    Very satisfying to hear yes on all 3 claims.

    • @johnnydepp4472
      @johnnydepp4472 2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the love and support you consistently been showing me I hope you never stop listening to my music.. I really appreciate the unconditional love I’m getting from you which has made me to give more sensational and exciting entertainment..❤

  • @yct12
    @yct12 2 года назад +2443

    If you know anything about defamation trials, this was a near impossible case for Johnny to win, he did the impossible and spoke for every actual victim in the world. Well done Captain!

    • @youregonewiththesin
      @youregonewiththesin 2 года назад +16

      can explain why it is almost impossible? thanks

    • @matteoventurini6880
      @matteoventurini6880 2 года назад +8

      Why it was so hard for him to win?

    • @andraste6746
      @andraste6746 2 года назад +72

      @@matteoventurini6880 apparently defamation trials are really hard to win.

    • @dianaval6082
      @dianaval6082 2 года назад +16

      Yea and that’s with a lot of evidence, some barely even have evidence.

    • @YoSoyKarelita
      @YoSoyKarelita 2 года назад +9

      But he was found guilty of defamation too, he has to pay 2 millions and by defamations the jury is calling him a lier too... why are we celebrating? ust for the money? I thought we wanted his name clean.

  • @pictaker
    @pictaker 2 года назад +2656

    AH's facial expression after losing the trial was the only true emotion she had in the court. Finally Johnny has won! Justice does exist! Thank you your honor, thank you jury!

    • @edit11
      @edit11 2 года назад +36

      Victory to Camille Vasquez. That Latina is the true champ for getting this Win for DEPP 👏🎊♥️

    • @avoiceinthedark2028
      @avoiceinthedark2028 2 года назад +11

      @DON'T WATCH MY VIDEOS I’ll call you stacey then

    • @sarahhutchins
      @sarahhutchins 2 года назад +10

      Tbh Elaine looked more upset than AH. I thought Elaine was going to burst into tears at one point.

    • @trudyjose9978
      @trudyjose9978 2 года назад +8

      Now if only she was acting, she could get Aquaman 5 already🤣😂🤣

    • @S.T_the_Trini
      @S.T_the_Trini 2 года назад

      I hope she gets the mental help she now.

  • @rafavandee3807
    @rafavandee3807 2 года назад +3827

    She’s done so much harm to people who actually suffer DV. Liar needs to be charged with perjury

    • @treatb09
      @treatb09 2 года назад

      Camille was threatening it. She really wanted to. But they dont have enough evidence to relate the lies with her questioning. As its all interpretable. Her entire defense was hear say... to claim perjury, they need a complete malicious statement they can relate to pure fact. N prove she was hiding it from the court.
      While its clear to us that she has lied, and manipulated, a perjury charge wont likely stick. We saw all of the evidence. N amber isnt the smartest person... simply forgetting or remembering differently. Isnt perjury

    • @kathygrosvenor4464
      @kathygrosvenor4464 2 года назад +70

      Yes she has done harm to true victims. She doesn’t care. She was probably so certain she’d win, being the phenomenal actress that she is. (Wink-wink)

    • @alanlancer008
      @alanlancer008 2 года назад +11

      Is she going to jail

    • @madz637
      @madz637 2 года назад +13

      @@alanlancer008 No. She's being sued though

    • @TravelwithDaySack
      @TravelwithDaySack 2 года назад +9

      Sooooooo much damage

  • @tonto2455
    @tonto2455 2 года назад +91

    Good for Johnny. How he survived such a woman he deserves a medal.

    • @jaihind6306
      @jaihind6306 2 года назад +2

      She is too beautiful to survive until the torture crossing the limit. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

    • @tonto2455
      @tonto2455 2 года назад +2

      @@jaihind6306 It's a pity she doesn't have inner beauty to match.

    • @jaihind6306
      @jaihind6306 2 года назад +4

      @@tonto2455 You are right but it is so sad that successful man goes after physical beauty and beautiful woman goes after money. If we go after inner beauty there won't be any divorce.

  • @mrsb9101
    @mrsb9101 2 года назад +1879

    You can literally see her world fall apart on her face and in her body language.
    Justice was served - Well done Johnny!

    • @jcimsn8464
      @jcimsn8464 2 года назад +95

      The only real emotion we have seen.

    • @kdvincent1982
      @kdvincent1982 2 года назад +17

      Literally this, literally that

    • @snoopy1390
      @snoopy1390 2 года назад

      For once it almost looked like she might really cry. Glad this disgusting & mentally deranged woman was put in her place.

    • @tmmb24
      @tmmb24 2 года назад

      @@kdvincent1982 as you say “literally” more than the original comment lmao. You are not very bright are ya buddy

    • @ShanteRoxxane
      @ShanteRoxxane 2 года назад +21

      At this point I can’t trust any of her “emotions”

  • @maryr130
    @maryr130 2 года назад +3262

    “Tell the world, Johnny, tell them, “Johnny Depp, I, a man, I’m a victim, too, of domestic violence’ - and see how many people believe or side with you.” - Amber Heard

    • @mikesch_snu
      @mikesch_snu 2 года назад +19


    • @Amarykyong
      @Amarykyong 2 года назад +31

      So be it.... 🥺❤️ I am so happy....

    • @jtehmain8261
      @jtehmain8261 2 года назад +26

      🎶B*tch you guessed it! Whoop! You was right!🎶 🤣

    • @frehatipu9187
      @frehatipu9187 2 года назад +38

      By so many accounts he was a loving husband. She never imagined he would seek justice. So glad he did but sad at his ordeal.

    • @honourhume5906
      @honourhume5906 2 года назад

      Well, her words came back to bite her in the as*, didn’t it? 😜

  • @hanydepp491
    @hanydepp491 2 года назад +2109

    He never cared about money. All he cared about was his children, his name and his reputation. He wanted a chance to tell his story and be heard by the world and he got the justice he deserved.

    • @ragnar97
      @ragnar97 2 года назад +17

      Wouldn't be surprised if he simply donates whatever he gets

    • @madilynleija5094
      @madilynleija5094 2 года назад


    • @abhilashjutur
      @abhilashjutur 2 года назад +6

      @@ragnar97 would he even get it? Can she delay paying?

    • @marivijard
      @marivijard 2 года назад +5

      @@ragnar97 if he does get it... like the children's hospital donation that was promised.... 🙃

    • @dionnbrooks4045
      @dionnbrooks4045 2 года назад

      And im glad he did

  • @1Surinamer
    @1Surinamer 2 года назад +177

    When I feel bad I'm coming to watch this, brightens up my day instantly. She's just a bad person, and the world saw it.

    • @advancedbasicsAB
      @advancedbasicsAB Год назад +9

      there is bad and there is pure evil. she is the latter

  • @firsargentum5920
    @firsargentum5920 2 года назад +2062

    Not smirking now, are we Amber? Actions have consequences. Justice done.

    • @MS.SAINT00-00
      @MS.SAINT00-00 2 года назад +10

      Right. What happen maam no smile nor looking at the jury. She need prayer

    • @partyboi8773
      @partyboi8773 2 года назад +24

      I think this may be the first genuine emotion we've seen from her this whole trial, now that she's realizing that she's out 8 million dollars and her career has been burnt to the ground.

    • @-whyquestion
      @-whyquestion 2 года назад

      Ratio + K-pop better 🤓🤓🤓🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    • @familybills2908
      @familybills2908 2 года назад +1

      @@partyboi8773 best acting she’s done so far!

    • @chdank5942
      @chdank5942 2 года назад +5

      What about the GHISLAINE MAXWELL trial ?

  • @awor3744
    @awor3744 2 года назад +2106

    Justice is served. Even if Johnny Depp had lost this, the world would still support him

    • @GameboiKennels
      @GameboiKennels 2 года назад +69

      I doubt it. That’s why I’m glad he won. Plus she would’ve been rewarded something she doesn’t deserve!

    • @humanahumana7878
      @humanahumana7878 2 года назад +16


    • @RedRacc
      @RedRacc 2 года назад +10

      @Certina it means that justice is served, what’s so hard to understand?

    • @SeatLeonMK2
      @SeatLeonMK2 2 года назад +1

      absolutely right

    • @strelok5661
      @strelok5661 2 года назад

      can we all agree modern feminism is toxic now?

  • @bpxl53yewz29
    @bpxl53yewz29 2 года назад +1980

    She’s not sad. She’s mad. Anger is the only emotion she knows and feels.

    • @jewellrobotham9457
      @jewellrobotham9457 2 года назад +30

      Facts. It’s her main emotion

    • @Hariukin
      @Hariukin 2 года назад +2

      f-u-r-i-o-u-s =)

    • @agriperma
      @agriperma 2 года назад +1

      @Dreamboat Annie She will continue believing in her mind that they voted in favor of Depp, because of his "power", she will never face her own demons and admit to herself she did bad, and that's why she will never change.

    • @June-tb4vi
      @June-tb4vi 2 года назад

      She is dangerous

    • @gustlightfall
      @gustlightfall 2 года назад +10

      She's definitely sad when the verdict was being read and the amount she has to pay, just look at the necklace that's some heavy breathing there lol.

  • @kaushik2207
    @kaushik2207 2 года назад +137

    The lies she made up were disgusting!! She deserves this!!

    • @AnimeFan401
      @AnimeFan401 Год назад +4

      Agreed She F'ed Around and She Found Out

  • @CaptainMarci104
    @CaptainMarci104 2 года назад +2827

    The look on her face was priceless. Watching her getting humiliated for 10 minutes straight was absolutely worth every second from the last 6 weeks we had to endure her lies.

    • @sahandnasiri3185
      @sahandnasiri3185 2 года назад +31

      This was the only time i felt a little empathy for ber

    • @gypsydaisy
      @gypsydaisy 2 года назад +31

      I’m just here for the look on her face!

    • @thedarkmajesty1773
      @thedarkmajesty1773 2 года назад +6

      How? She didn’t have a bad plan after all. She has garnered attention, and even though the general public hates her, she can start a career doing RUclips videos and earning passive income. Writing the op-ed wasn’t a bad idea , after all. ;)

    • @seiyachan
      @seiyachan 2 года назад +6

      I was wondering why the host has repeated the same set of questions over and over again... So this is why.... 😂

    • @Gkmla
      @Gkmla 2 года назад +16

      ​@@sahandnasiri3185 I hope you meant sympathy. Empathising with her....

  • @GabyCyx
    @GabyCyx 2 года назад +4390

    Disney should apologize to Johnny Depp

    • @bobhope4732
      @bobhope4732 2 года назад +167

      I agree

    • @zeldaforeverafter8555
      @zeldaforeverafter8555 2 года назад +33


    • @preshussunshine
      @preshussunshine 2 года назад +203

      I agree a world wide public apology

    • @Stalker2108
      @Stalker2108 2 года назад +159

      I know they don't deserve it, but i still hope he Returns as Captain Jack

    • @distaocan821
      @distaocan821 2 года назад +34

      They gonna do more than that give him a bunch of roles in movies

  • @irislee9990
    @irislee9990 2 года назад +2899

    As a female, I’m so happy with this outcome. True gender equality is when an individual will be charged and judged fairly regardless of one’s gender.

    • @rahmahassaf2275
      @rahmahassaf2275 2 года назад +11

      @SIGMA MALE BETA. against who?

    • @taturtotmorrison2807
      @taturtotmorrison2807 2 года назад +11

      ​@SIGMA MALE BETA. what?!

    • @dedcapybara9158
      @dedcapybara9158 2 года назад +4

      well said

    • @richardkev3077
      @richardkev3077 2 года назад

      Oh. So what YOU are saying is:
      It is only gender equality when women are always believed, especially when they viciously lie?

    • @rahmahassaf2275
      @rahmahassaf2275 2 года назад +1

      @@richardkev3077 that is the complete opposite of what she said

  • @SuperBuildsInMC
    @SuperBuildsInMC Год назад +34

    Me, my brother, and my best friend watched the verdict live, we all kept yelling, "justice for Johnny." Afterwards, we all watched the first Pirates of Caribbean movie together. Great stuff! Go Johnny!

  • @georgeschaoul1322
    @georgeschaoul1322 2 года назад +2661

    The court decision is a tough lesson to any person who tries to defame other people based on hate, ignorance, jealousy and GREED.
    Hard luck Amber.

    • @dragovern
      @dragovern 2 года назад +16

      How many people record so many details of their intimacy?

    • @Syndrum
      @Syndrum 2 года назад +25

      The only career she’ll have now is working for some blue hair, nose ring director somewhere.

    • @faelger9473
      @faelger9473 2 года назад +1

      ....yeah dont forget that youre not jhonny depp...soo i wouldn't count on that "tough lesson" getting to you any time soon.

    • @ninjaninja9954
      @ninjaninja9954 2 года назад +3

      True but many will still defame this result won’t deter many people as it takes ages to get justice and most people won’t do it because it takes so long. Wish it was quicker

    • @jamessmith-ix1sd
      @jamessmith-ix1sd 2 года назад +4

      God justice is always righteous

  • @cayea4076
    @cayea4076 2 года назад +3532

    Losing is something a narcissist can not hanadle. That reading of the verdict must have been the longest ten minutes of Heard's life.

    • @ricoreckless8173
      @ricoreckless8173 2 года назад

      You can't spell

    • @madisonfry2152
      @madisonfry2152 2 года назад

      Unfortunately she’s still trying to lie. Her insta post is laughable. And the fact that she has comments off is proof of her being insane

    • @lindanewkirk5953
      @lindanewkirk5953 2 года назад +48

      @Son Of Rabat the 2 million was for what the lawyer wrote about her so it wasn't really anything against Johnny personally...

    • @angelalopez4843
      @angelalopez4843 2 года назад +31

      She was breathing quite heavy.

    • @coopinsurf3438
      @coopinsurf3438 2 года назад +37

      @Son Of Rabat Civil Case is why she isn't in jail and any money anyone receives is from damages caused. But all in all Depp did win the majority, she won one of her counter-claims. TBH I don't think she will ever be in jail unless someone really wants to go to court over it with her. She already did go to jail for a bit bc of domestic violence when she was with her former spouse. Depp wasn't trying to prove she hit him, just wanted a clear name because he knew it would be harder to prove she hit him or anything of the sort. bc whatever he says she can just say he did it too.

  • @NinjaLifestyle
    @NinjaLifestyle 2 года назад +3158

    Dang she got extra sad when they mentioned the money!

    • @itachiuchiha6876
      @itachiuchiha6876 2 года назад +244

      She said: ☹️

    • @arthes7759
      @arthes7759 2 года назад +29

      Gimme timestampp

    • @roxannefortenberry2498
      @roxannefortenberry2498 2 года назад +189

      Probably because that’s all she’s ever cared about from day one of their relationship. Really since the first day she set foot in Hollywood. Greedy 💰💸💩

    • @_nick_d
      @_nick_d 2 года назад +86

      It’s really Johnny’s original money. He was married 2 yrs and she nailed him for 50

    • @Skatebit1
      @Skatebit1 2 года назад +3


  • @darrencole4205
    @darrencole4205 2 года назад +30

    This woman is a stone. The only emotion she seems to be able to convey is ANGER!

  • @ClutchDre__
    @ClutchDre__ 2 года назад +1400

    Unanimous. Not a single person believed her bs. Good on all of them. So glad this worked out in his favor.

    • @basictrolle4246
      @basictrolle4246 2 года назад +36

      @DONT CLICK ON MY VIDEO!! ok I won't

    • @JM-qn3tf
      @JM-qn3tf 2 года назад

      Only progressive lefty feminist women believe her. Scum of the earthS

    • @nezmo
      @nezmo 2 года назад +23

      I don't understand... Doesn't it have to be unanimous?

    • @oioisweetheart3500
      @oioisweetheart3500 2 года назад +4

      She didn’t believe her own lies.

    • @Skateforshoes
      @Skateforshoes 2 года назад +1

      It took several days for this verdict tho'

  • @thefirstiagree1091
    @thefirstiagree1091 2 года назад +4937

    She is so sickening, sitting up there trying to look innocent, I'm so glad the jurors see right through her, amen amen amen

  • @glg6069
    @glg6069 2 года назад +3133

    Glad to hear it. People like Ms. Heard need to realize that you can't mistreat people to get back at them and that lying your way through life has consequences.

  • @theowl3756
    @theowl3756 2 года назад +64

    1) When her demands are not met, she goes for a bizarre restraining order, knowing that Johnny was out of town and would be out of the country for several months. 2) She lets the TMZ know that she was going to court for restraining order, and even provides direction what side of her face should be photographed. 3) She and her team also provide the TMZ with the video of Johnny. 4) After receiving the $7,000,000 divorce settlement, she still continues to extort money from Johnny. 5) She asks for three penthouses, the cars, and $50,000 a month. 6) She makes fun of Johnny for even thinking of going to court. 7) She decides "MeToo Movement", her acting skills, and dishonest lawyers like Rotten born and Crazy Elaine will help her to fool the Jury...!!!

  • @rhyswong8976
    @rhyswong8976 2 года назад +2268

    Congratulations Johnny Depp and his lawyer team. Let this be a lesson to everyone trying to commit the same crime regardless of gender.

    • @Brian-vk1hm
      @Brian-vk1hm 2 года назад +10

      We don't have Johnnys money though to fight back.

    • @VisionsOfSpy
      @VisionsOfSpy 2 года назад +25

      @@Brian-vk1hm it has set a legal and social precedent, that's what matters

    • @ilikethecokev2
      @ilikethecokev2 2 года назад +12

      @@Brian-vk1hm Doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

    • @tylerjames7015
      @tylerjames7015 2 года назад +2

      Word - people need to remember we are all human

    • @peaceLove777Love
      @peaceLove777Love 2 года назад +12

      Yes it's good to see Men getting justice against evil woman like her 😔😂😁🙂👍🏿💯

  • @emicore675
    @emicore675 2 года назад +2951

    Amber staring at the table is the most emotional I've seen her throughout this trial. Quite interesting when you're finally *forced* to confront the truth instead of believing your own lies so intently.

    • @MichiganGreatOutdoors
      @MichiganGreatOutdoors 2 года назад +89

      yup and she still couldn't shed a tear!!

    • @leidibug1
      @leidibug1 2 года назад +111

      You could tell she was freaking out inside by the way she was breathing

    • @demi0n
      @demi0n 2 года назад +71

      And she still blames her loss on depps influence and power talking about delusional 🤣

    • @alphach1mp
      @alphach1mp 2 года назад +18

      Gravy train gone.

    • @osql8
      @osql8 2 года назад

      She will never face the truth. Narcissists think they are righteous hero's and everyone is beneath them .

  • @ives3572
    @ives3572 2 года назад +2464

    “The best is yet to come and a new chapter has finally begun. Truth never perishes." - Johnny Depp

    • @HK-gm8pe
      @HK-gm8pe 2 года назад +19

      ah....AH cant stop, she will appeal for sure and say that people are too mean towards her and she somehow cant move on and people still protect men and blahblahblah I just dont see her stopping sadly, we have seen what this woman is capable of...crazy how lie can go soooo freakin far and destory soo many lives

    • @smithytom7405
      @smithytom7405 2 года назад +11

      @DON'T WATCH MY VIDEO Cringe, get subs another way bro.

    • @joanchoo9287
      @joanchoo9287 2 года назад +4

      indeed! truth never dies!

    • @Kavaitsu
      @Kavaitsu 2 года назад +1


    • @edgeGabe
      @edgeGabe 2 года назад

      This will be the mental problems she suffers and possible throw her sister and father under the bus.

  • @TarindrellaVidar
    @TarindrellaVidar 2 года назад +1952

    "Tell them, Johnny. Tell the wolrd."
    Well, he DID tell the world, and the world believed him.
    Justice has been served today and each 'Yes' put a smile on my face :) I'm sooooo happy Johnny won and this nightmare is over 💕
    Edit: typos :')

    • @desiree7633
      @desiree7633 2 года назад +19

      ​@DONT CLICK ON MY VIDEO!! my guy when are you gonna quit

    • @MariaLopez-hc2nm
      @MariaLopez-hc2nm 2 года назад +1


    • @DktaJ2021
      @DktaJ2021 2 года назад +6

      “ AQUAMAN”

    • @thedarkmajesty1773
      @thedarkmajesty1773 2 года назад

      I don’t believe that abuser.

      @DLITGAMING 2 года назад +1

      @@thedarkmajesty1773 stop kid… it’s over

  • @Clight22
    @Clight22 2 года назад +3003

    Can’t imagine the lengths this woman traveled to lie about Johnny. She’s evil

    • @augustinedebosson9343
      @augustinedebosson9343 2 года назад +1

      She's certainly sick!

    • @GroberWeisenstein
      @GroberWeisenstein 2 года назад +13

      she's just a girl, in the world

    • @gotobannfpv
      @gotobannfpv 2 года назад

      @@GroberWeisenstein a lying one that defames people by using domestic violence and BPD as an excuse for her actions. She is a vile manipulative narcissistic vile woman.

    • @900QP
      @900QP 2 года назад +1

      @@GroberWeisenstein for real 😂

    • @Cheeto_X
      @Cheeto_X 2 года назад

      I cant imagine the payments she used

  • @MapleMcMuffinzzzz
    @MapleMcMuffinzzzz 2 года назад +2394

    For women that have actually experienced domestic violence, I am embarrassed for her and she should be ashamed of herself.
    I think a public apology to Johnny Depp and to domestic violence survivors is due as well.

    • @Μαρια-ε8χ
      @Μαρια-ε8χ 2 года назад +19

      I am also embarrassed how quick you judge. Behind closed doors nobody knows even if there are not enough evidence

    • @KIF9539-e3f
      @KIF9539-e3f 2 года назад +65

      She will never apologize.

    • @MapleMcMuffinzzzz
      @MapleMcMuffinzzzz 2 года назад +64

      @@Μαρια-ε8χ if you say so. It sounds like you’re trained in law too!

    • @ClaudineBelhomme
      @ClaudineBelhomme 2 года назад +142

      @@Μαρια-ε8χ There is no quick judgment. The evidence was beyond clear. You clearly did not follow the case.

    • @Saral_Lekhi
      @Saral_Lekhi 2 года назад +17

      Never can a deliberate liar who has survived by lying and to whom winning matters above principles, has ever genuinely apologized.

  • @sandramickle
    @sandramickle Год назад +35

    This woman should have gone to jail. It's unfortunate she never did. Johnny Depp is now innocent and to me he always was. He is a good man. Thank you.

    • @loriwood4938
      @loriwood4938 7 месяцев назад +2

      I'm still wondered why she didn't. Perjury is a federal offense

  • @testruelove2530
    @testruelove2530 2 года назад +789

    "tell the world Johnny!"he did !he did !and we listen!we believe him!

    • @goldenkandy037
      @goldenkandy037 2 года назад +14

      And he won 🏆 🙌

    • @stinabinaaa
      @stinabinaaa 2 года назад +5

      @@goldenkandy037 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @claudiasmith1966
      @claudiasmith1966 2 года назад +2

      Yes we do believe him 👏👏👏👏👏

    • @JESHE87
      @JESHE87 2 года назад +1

      Yes, people who create their own drama deserve their own karma.

  • @luke8801
    @luke8801 2 года назад +712

    Camille started crying. THIS is justice served. THIS is history showing that men too are victims of domestic violence.

    • @sativarosegold3604
      @sativarosegold3604 2 года назад +9

      A bit dramatic.. I'm an emotional person who watched every minute and I'm not crying but it's great he won

    • @toonsful
      @toonsful 2 года назад +43

      @@sativarosegold3604 dramatic? this is a big deal, some people who are emotional are different. maybe because she was closest to him throughout all this court as so as his team.

      @WXRTHYYYY 2 года назад +2


    • @KarlaMartinez-ur5gb
      @KarlaMartinez-ur5gb 2 года назад +30

      @@sativarosegold3604 Camille has been fighting for Johnny for years!!! She’s been having to protect him as apart his legal team for years. ITS BEEN YEARS OF HARD WORK AND RESEARCH. Do not undermine her emotions.

    • @dm6187
      @dm6187 2 года назад +4

      Such a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman. I love her smile and the passion that shines through it. What a babe.

  • @zikoobekhet9657
    @zikoobekhet9657 2 года назад +1850

    “Tell the world Johnny. Tell them Johnny Depp, I, Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence and I know it's a fair fight, and see how many people believe or side with you.” - Amber Heard.
    He did, the world believed him.

    • @katelynthomas5177
      @katelynthomas5177 2 года назад +28


    • @cosamglass7970
      @cosamglass7970 2 года назад +23

      Talk about eating your own words

    • @caobita
      @caobita 2 года назад +6


    • @lau9889
      @lau9889 2 года назад +28

      There should be a movie about this one day!!!!! With everything that was recorded!!! Especially that quote

    • @neidhawk
      @neidhawk 2 года назад +17

      That bit of audio is history now.

  • @emmeling.4914
    @emmeling.4914 2 года назад +37

    I stand with truth. I stand with Johnny Depp!

  • @SnazzyBoxx
    @SnazzyBoxx 2 года назад +1804

    I bet 6 years ago , Amber never would have imagined sitting here today actually facing the consequences for all her lies & actions. The truth satisfyingly came back to bite her in the butt. Congrats to Johnny , his legal team & to all the real victims out there.

    • @peaceomon5415
      @peaceomon5415 2 года назад +30

      Don’t mind her ..she thought she was wise..she took 7 million from him he took back 15 million

    • @RS-gy6mf
      @RS-gy6mf 2 года назад +3

      She sure did

    • @yorkshell
      @yorkshell 2 года назад +10

      That's how karma works.

    • @Lisawwwww-n1j
      @Lisawwwww-n1j 2 года назад

      @DON'T WATCH MY VIDEOS What is wrong with u. Nobody cares

    • @Lexie2107
      @Lexie2107 2 года назад +5

      "What goes around comes around" Timberlake once said......

  • @Clamfaced
    @Clamfaced 2 года назад +2679

    Amber in one of the recordings: "Tell the world, Johnny, see what a judge or jury thinks. Tell them, that I, Johnny Depp, a man, am a victim of domestic violence. See how many people believe or side with you."

    • @Elketjeable
      @Elketjeable 2 года назад +244

      He told the world!! We believe him, we sided with him!! He won!!!🙌

    • @Clamfaced
      @Clamfaced 2 года назад +96

      @Eric Cartman it was shown as evidence during the trial. RUclips Amber Heard tell the world Johnny

    • @noah7329
      @noah7329 2 года назад +28

      How ironic 😊

    • @MostIntelligentMan
      @MostIntelligentMan 2 года назад +70

      @Eric Cartman wtf u havent heard it? its like most famous sound recording, been everywhere years ago before this trial

    • @kimkrizzie8364
      @kimkrizzie8364 2 года назад +71

      She thought that because she is a woman people would automatically believe her lies.

  • @heidivanstaden7834
    @heidivanstaden7834 2 года назад +2516

    Honestly I also think her talking directly to the jury the entire trial and not to the actual lawyer asking the question , has put the nail in the coffin

    • @RolandSpecialSauce
      @RolandSpecialSauce 2 года назад +152

      I don't think she would have won no matter what. She's just not that great of an actor and she tried to put on an act that didn't work at all.

    • @MannyBaker711
      @MannyBaker711 2 года назад +87

      kept wondering why she was doing that it looked so strange

    • @dragonbane44
      @dragonbane44 2 года назад +58

      She had no case to begin with. Everything was a nail in her coffin and her coffin was overloaded with nails.

    • @CodeColibri
      @CodeColibri 2 года назад +9

      With such devastating evidence against her thats all she could do, manipulate and Twist facts

    • @justinlorence8151
      @justinlorence8151 2 года назад +27

      Speaking directly to the Jury is a pretty normal thing for witnesses to do. She just did it really badly XD

  • @thetruthhurts122
    @thetruthhurts122 2 года назад +46

    She wanted to make a history for herself, there she got it.
    She’s been exposed of her lies and manipulation. She’s very troubled and deranged.
    Glad that Johnny got the justice he deserved.
    Who is smirking now????

  • @thegamersguild9953
    @thegamersguild9953 2 года назад +430

    He did tell the world, and we listened, and believed him. Congratulations Depp and his wonderful team!

    • @devingainey43311
      @devingainey43311 2 года назад +2


  • @JacksonReacts
    @JacksonReacts 2 года назад +1079

    I’m glad this case was televised & recorded.
    Now this will be apart of the Internet forever.
    Wishing the best for Johnny Depp.
    Can’t wait for his return to the big screens.

    • @justjoni87
      @justjoni87 2 года назад +19

      Sadly Disney let him go because of all this. A huge mistake!

    • @blazingstorm9351
      @blazingstorm9351 2 года назад +25

      @@justjoni87 it doesn't matter really, whether they remain him blacklisted or hire him back, there actions would then either be hypocritical if they hire him or dumbasses when they fired an innocent man.

    • @jessiewasson584
      @jessiewasson584 2 года назад +4

      He’s not getting any roles back unfortunately

    • @ryou_sy
      @ryou_sy 2 года назад +12

      Yeah fr dude the loser here is disney they cant change what they have done to johnny

    • @enigma5014
      @enigma5014 2 года назад +3

      me also i miss his appearance from movie

  • @bek_music77
    @bek_music77 2 года назад +1996

    "Innocent unless proven guilty." this should be a norm. This is a victory for everyone living honestly and truthfully.

    • @yanikstudios
      @yanikstudios 2 года назад +5

      Very much so

    • @n2t460
      @n2t460 2 года назад +13

      Disney needs to apologize to Depp, they removed him for greed than trust

    • @mmm.tortillas
      @mmm.tortillas 2 года назад +5

      @@n2t460 he doesn’t want to go back to them

    • @Kronos0999
      @Kronos0999 2 года назад +4

      *UNLESS* proven guilty.
      Until means they'll eventually be proven

    • @syphosilis6928
      @syphosilis6928 2 года назад +1

      @Barikadara Waate they should still apologize otherwise doesn't matter whether he wants to or doesn't want to come back to them

  • @Roguetiger777
    @Roguetiger777 Год назад +11

    All power to Johnny and fellow men around the world facing such false allegations.

  • @我-m7x
    @我-m7x 2 года назад +1149

    My big thanks to the jury. You've serviced JUSTICE for an innocent man

    • @unicornlover2659
      @unicornlover2659 2 года назад +1

      我喜欢你名字。 (Sorry for my bad Chinese!)

    • @rafie281
      @rafie281 2 года назад +3

      @DONT WATCH MY VIDEO I wasn't planning to, but ok

    • @ForgotStyle
      @ForgotStyle 2 года назад


    • @ssimonesays
      @ssimonesays 2 года назад


    • @roadrunner17lee66
      @roadrunner17lee66 2 года назад +5

      It was a chore for the jury to keep up with the lies she told. She didn’t much like the response she got. However they did a very good job of the verdict.

  • @MegaGigi66
    @MegaGigi66 2 года назад +2486

    She wanted the world to believe he was an abusive husband but in reality she was the culprit. She tried so hard to get him to react to her cheating, lying, hitting, and verbal abuses. She thought that because she's a "woman", she could get away with it and twist things in her favor. Kind of hard to develop tears when you know you're the one all along.

    • @Kronos0999
      @Kronos0999 2 года назад +25

      She did. His career is over; maybe he'll get a few B movie roles but within 3 months the world will move on

    • @apocalypseap
      @apocalypseap 2 года назад +84

      @@Kronos0999 Wanna bet $15 million on that?

    • @geartime5383
      @geartime5383 2 года назад +12

      @@Kronos0999Maybe not with all the attentions Depp got from this event he may get more contracts or roles but maybe not big scales ones like Pirate of the Caribbean.

    • @sameermohideen4913
      @sameermohideen4913 2 года назад +20

      @@apocalypseap I’ll take that bet with my “pledge” of $15 million.

    • @hogenkogen4739
      @hogenkogen4739 2 года назад +4

      I hope she didn't do that just to divorce him and marry another rich man

  • @jonnguyen001
    @jonnguyen001 2 года назад +1374

    Since she was found to be a liar in a court, can we finally call her a liar without being labeled terrible people?

  • @loudiaz1292
    @loudiaz1292 2 года назад +12

    Never try to destroy someone's life with a lie, when yours can be destroyed with the Truth.

  • @AlwaysFeelingSleepy
    @AlwaysFeelingSleepy 2 года назад +1289

    *Question:* How much public humiliation do you want in this trial?
    *Answer:* Yes.

  • @imatalkin4358
    @imatalkin4358 2 года назад +2244

    She needs to learn that destroying his life because of her lies has consequences. I hope JD makes her pay the money, even if he donates it to charity

    • @anared1990
      @anared1990 2 года назад +68

      People like amber heard never learn, they look for their next victim

    • @xartimus18
      @xartimus18 2 года назад

      He probably will with that chump change. She belongs to the streets!

    • @noone3367
      @noone3367 2 года назад +7

      Her layer said she can't pay, they are going to appeal

    • @gaynorgregory2528
      @gaynorgregory2528 2 года назад +30

      @@noone3367 she can’t pay, but paid them $6 million. 🙄

    • @krzysztofmichalik9310
      @krzysztofmichalik9310 2 года назад +18

      AH can try to pledge the money - pledge and pay are about the same :)

  • @dan_lowwww
    @dan_lowwww 2 года назад +150

    She is so sickening to even see, what a sorry woman and human being she is, with her fake sadness. Im glad she got exposed

    • @amylee8969
      @amylee8969 2 года назад

      She’s a sick and twisted human being…..I can’t even call her a human being….she’s a rat.
      How can she falsely accuse someone of this when there is actual victims who go through this for real? Glad Johnny Depp was proven innocent good for him.

  • @marinaschnierer4560
    @marinaschnierer4560 2 года назад +2008

    This verdict made my whole year. I hope this verdict is not just a win for Johnny Depp, but for all men who are victims of narcissistic women.

    • @JDJD-mw9rr
      @JDJD-mw9rr 2 года назад +45

      I was a victim of a narcissistic girlfriend and oh boy do I feel better now......

    • @SRTKOVA
      @SRTKOVA 2 года назад +10

      These needs more comments and likes , YESSSS

    • @madness4798
      @madness4798 2 года назад +4

      I thought johnny sued her for 100m but the jury only said 15m from heard and 2m from johnny so technically she only lost 13milion isnt that really bad or how does it work ? From 100 to 13 is a win for her no ?

    • @mesianayang7842
      @mesianayang7842 2 года назад


    • @mikesavatar3194
      @mikesavatar3194 2 года назад


  • @janetdennison8971
    @janetdennison8971 2 года назад +22

    I am soooooo glad Johnny won his case. He deserves it and soooooo much more!!

  • @TheCNSR
    @TheCNSR 2 года назад +17428

    She's gonna "pledge" to pay that back as well, Johnny better send out the bailiffs to collect that expeditiously 😂