Is it Alright for a White Person to...

I seriously would, but how exactly would I start it? We'd have to be having a conversation before hand, I can't just go around calling people cracker willy nilly.

by the way, you were the one internet tough-guying.
I seriously would, but how exactly would I start it? We'd have to be having a conversation before hand, I can't just go around calling people cracker willy nilly.

by the way, you were the one internet tough-guying.

Nobody is "tough-guying" anyone. You're the one throwing a word around that connotes total bullshit. You sit behind your computer but I can guarantee you you throw that shit around certain people and you're gonna get your teeth knocked out.
Nobody is "tough-guying" anyone. You're the one throwing a word around that connotes total bullshit. You sit behind your computer but I can guarantee you you throw that shit around certain people and you're gonna get your teeth knocked out.

And that by no means is a threat, just advice. Good advice. Believe me, there will always be someone bigger and badder than you out there somewhere, regardless of whatever color they are. I've learned that. I hope you know as well. Maybe you're some suburbanite or something, but I've been in the trenches, man - seen quite a bit.


Lord Dipstick
Quick question....I once got called a "Peckerwood" by an older black dude that used to work for me. We always joked around and called each other names.

WTF is a Peckerwood and why did he call my Cracker ass that?? :confused:
I never found out because he recently passed....:weeping:
Nobody is "tough-guying" anyone. You're the one throwing a word around that connotes total bullshit. You sit behind your computer but I can guarantee you you throw that shit around certain people and you're gonna get your teeth knocked out.
What comes up when someone is called a cracker? "Damn, owning land and people IAMOFFENDED SIR."
And that by no means is a threat, just advice. Good advice. Believe me, there will always be someone bigger and badder than you out there somewhere, regardless of whatever color they are. I've learned that. I hope you know as well. Maybe you're some suburbanite or something, but I've been in the trenches, man - seen quite a bit.
such a cracker...

also, when you use "suburbanite" in that context, you sound like you're from deliverance. just saying.
Why the hell would a white call another white a cracker.
Quick question....I once got called a "Peckerwood" by an older black dude that used to work for me. We always joked around and called each other names.

WTF is a Peckerwood and why did he call my Cracker ass that?? :confused:
I never found out because he recently passed....:weeping:

I've heard Everlast (House of Pain) use it in his lyrics before and a few times here and there. I think it's mildly trying to be racially insensitive - maybe. I think your guess is as good as mine, my Caucasian brotha. :D

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
Quick question....I once got called a "Peckerwood" by an older black dude that used to work for me. We always joked around and called each other names.

WTF is a Peckerwood and why did he call my Cracker ass that?? :confused:
I never found out because he recently passed....:weeping:

Yeah. What the Christ is a Peckerwood and why should I lose my mind if a black guy calls me that? I intentionally use the word "Honky" when I'm around the blacks hoping it will catch on again. I miss "Honky".

I love being White and no one can wipe the crazy Cracker smile off my face. Membership has privileges.
I love being White and no one can wipe the crazy Cracker smile off my face. Membership has privileges.

Don't you want to be a member of the black club? I mean then you could wear those silly shirts with slogan "It's a black thing and you wouldn't understand."