These lists are always bullshit because they are someone's opinion. Oasis couldn't carry a moldy beaker of the Beatles' ball sweat, let alone be compared to them.

If you don't like the Beatles? Cool. If you do? Swell.

But lists like this are for folks who wear helmets and harnesses. :hatsoff:


Lord Dipstick
Great thread tags. Good to see other people agree with me. :clap:


Lord Dipstick
Here. I have answered the list. Just know that the answers are directed toward the author(s) of the list, and not at the one who started the thread. It's a pretty damn ridiculous and half-assed list so I had to respond to it.
And people think Atheists are smug and snooty.
You can tell that the author was trying to sound like he knew what he was talking about, but based on the things he said, and references he made, it's all based off of hearsay. He barely knows shit.

# 100: I agree. They didn't do all there was, even at that time. Let's not forget Frank Zappa and Jimi Hendrix, for example.

#99: "They didn't rock"? By who's standards? Were they 'hard rock'? Hell no. Rock? For that time, yes. I've never thought "I feel like hearing something that rocks hard, how 'bout some Beatles". There is different music for different moods and mindsets.

#98: -A continuation of 99, so it doesn't count as its own reason, cheater!

97: "The Beatles were a boy band" - Exactly what someone - who has only heard their early-era, preppie, matching suit wearing, touring band era songs - would say. During that point in time, they were definitely that. But does a boy band quit touring and become a strictly-studio band? A boy band would fall off the radar if they did that.

96: Stupid Ringo jab. Not even worth response.

95: - 96 continued. Yet another 'reason' split into half, to create illusion of 2 reasons. The guy doesn't like the sound of George's sitar. Oh fucking well.

94: Ah, 95, part 3: "On.Every.Bastard.Record". What?? Let's change that to what it really was. 3. -- I'll say it again: 3 of the 12 official records. ONE song on each of those 3.

93: Name one band/singer who played at Shea Stadium before The Beatles.....?.....Well, name one band who played ANY major stadium before them.....?......Their performance was the first concert held at a major stadium. Of course the band's "people" weren't set up properly for it. No one had the technology or knowledge yet for that kind of venue.

92: Lame, though I'm not a fan of that song either. Still, using a song you don't like as one of these great reasons that are designed to win people over, is lame.

91: What? Buskers. Street performers? So…The Beatles armed them?…WHAT??

90: “We wouldn’t know Yoko”. I’m sorry, but is this actually an issue? I don’t know about anyone else but I haven’t heard any of her songs on the radio, except maybe one in the early 80’s. I’m no Yoko fan but who gives a shit about her?

89: The Mahareshi Yogi. Well, is Christianity any better? I don’t blame them for trying to look elsewhere for something to believe in. They tried it, didn’t care for it, moved on. The author should do the same.

88: I’m no ray of sunshine myself, but this is just stupid altogether.

87: 88 the sequel. ….I actually never saw…heard?…The Frog Circus. So this one’s a draw.

86: …Yeah ok. So many people were head banging and pogoing in the 60’s. I’m beginning to think this list was made by a 14 year old.

85: So the author was saying he couldn’t get it up and he tried to blame The Beatles for it. I see.

84: ….For fuck sake
83: Dumb. And is this a Jim Morrison reference? Now if you want to talk about pretentiousness. Look no further than that guy. (though I still like the Doors sometimes)

82: - Continuing #84. I guess he lost track of what he was doing and wanted to go back and add something oh, so clever… Now I’m sure this was made by a young teenager.

81: You’re a massive hole (author). See, I can be ignorant too.

80: The band knew how to spell “HELP” in semaphore, but the photographer didn’t like how it looked. Symmetry, whatever, and had them change it. Should they have just used the real version? Yes.

79: Who cares about the opening guitar chord to A Hard Day’s Night? Obviously this author who thought to put it on his list. He doesn’t care, so that means no one cares. What an asshole.

78 - 75: “Overrated”. A word used by undereducated, pretentious people. The fact that he felt he had to say it 4 times shows how unsure he is….and that he was trying to fill in space.

74: I agree. --- You read that correctly. I’m not out to just break down every one of these. Just those that deserve it. He’s right on this one. People should check out as many bands as they can. They’ll find a lot of great ones. - BUT, unlike the author, I have enough respect for the reader not to tell them what is or is not better. Everyone will have their own opinion. Just expose yourself to as much music as you can.

73: Author’s opinion on who was better. That is a smug insult to the reader. But, then again, you see what the website was. He knew it would just be a bunch of people who would agree, for no reason other than disliking the Beatles. He knew he wouldn’t have to deal with opposition. How safe for him.

72: see 73.

71: Jesus…

70: Boo-hoo. How unfortunate. Does anyone else feel sorry for that sad soul? Oh, but he used the word “kill”. That means he’s a badass.

69: Oh well buddy. Oh fucking well. I agree. But oh…fucking…well. Cry yourself a river and paddle your way out of town then.

68: Ok. There’s no doubt that this is from a kid or teen. Otherwise he’d be too drunk to care.

67: Weak filler.

66: ‘Mop top head shake thing‘… You fucking retard.

65: Ozzy’s version of In My Life sucked hard. Holy freaking GOD it sucked. I like Ozzy, but his covers are weak, in my opinion.

64: Shat- Ok now he’s just being a clown.

63: No one with “DJ” in their name holds any merit here, nor is worth mention. I’d rather have another Manson than more fucking DJ’s!

62: Ah, I see the word “WE”. So this is the work of MORE than ONE person? (head shake)

61: George Benson. The jazz guitarist, not the footballer, actor or politician. Ok. A lot of people have done their songs. Who gives a shit?

60: The Replacements? So he’s comparing them simply because of the same album title. What a douche.

59: The Butcher sleeve: How about you actually learn the facts before spewing out bullshit? It WAS released. CAPITOL RECORDS got too many complaints from the STORES who refused to put it on their shelves. And so, EMI recalled all of the copies. The BAND had nothing to do with the it.

58: …No, go on. What‘s the next line he sings? He sings “I just believe in me / Yoko and me“ …Wait…Weren’t you crying about Yoko earlier? Hmm. I guess that’s why you left that part out, eh? Might make you sound like assholes.

57: Yeah. There are also one or two Replacements tribute bands. So break out the lube.

56: Seriously. Watch one of those Replacements tribute bands. Better than taking an Ambien.

55: Hail Satan! (…If only I was a believer)

54: Yep. That was especially true in their earlier albums.

53: What the ????

52: Eric Clapton is a better guitarist than George Harrison. Goes without saying. They would’ve done fine without him. It just wouldn’t have been the same. George also played with Clapton’s band, Cream, on the song “Badge”.

51: Just when I think I’ve read the most childish, moronic, desperately trying to be funny or clever remark…

50: Ok, they didn’t even try with #50.

49: …and they split the fucking sentence into two parts? How many is this really, 60, maybe?

48: You would like RHCP, and naked men. Weren’t you the same one who just asked if The Beatles were, and I quote: “gaylords” - which is as original as it is funny.

47: No, it does not rock, but, well, see #99.

46: Honestly, I hate that line as well. Most of the band’s “lame” lyrics were from Paul.

45: “It’s bobbins”. You Brits and your jibber-jabber.

44: Bullshit. You know you’re a fan. Who else would put in this effort? Not someone who hates the band. They would just NOT LISTEN TO THEM.

43: It can’t buy him LOVE, but it can buy him everything else. Fool. Everyone needs money.

42: I’m going to quote on this one, to assure that I give the correct figures: Harrison: "'Taxman' was when I first realised that even though we had started earning money, we were actually giving most of it away in taxes. It was and still is typical." The Beatles' large earnings placed them in the top tax bracket in the United Kingdom, liable to a 95% supertax introduced by Harold Wilson's Labour government.

41: That whole situation was, as you say, bollocks. But it’s not like the band themselves sold it directly to Jackson.

40. Wings. Yeah I’ve got nothing for that.

39. Hey, way to misquote the song! I hate people who say this but --- FAIL!!!

38-35. One day you will start growing some hair there as well.

34. Are you serious?? Fucking Kiss? Oh, by the way, they let their drummer sing too. Peter Criss. Now HE is awful.

33. Sometimes when you try too hard to be funny, you make no sense. That was an example.

32. I’ll bet those fake broads can’t even find the kitchen.

31. And who’s fault is that? And why is everything bloody?

30. Really. Is that so? Well it’s interesting that we never hear about them. It’s almost as if they are regular people.

29. I didn’t know he was on.

28. Nikki Sixx sux coxx!!!!

27. So bad it was good, if you asked me. Oh, again, about KISS. Remember that shitty movie they did? Oh-holy-hell!!!

26. Fuck you. I haven’t said that yet and I’m all the way down to #26. Well this deserved it.

25. Using an error check as yet another “reason”, I see. Lame.

24. I didn’t notice, but now that you mention it, yes. But, no, dickhead, one would only be a snob if they pointed it out. The authors of this list are the worst snobs I’ve seen/read/heard in quite some time.

23. Eat it and swallow! You know how to…swallow, don’t you?

22. What?

21. Another lyric misquote. See? Now THAT is a snob answer.

20. Worra lorra…? What? Cilla Black? Who?

19. Yank this, limey. Spliffs are good for you.

18. Sure, when people ASK THEM.

17. I’ve seen some pictures of bloody hippies.

16. HAHAHAA yeahhh I get it!!!…

15. Did I mention you’re a limey fag?

14. Running out of shit to say, eh?

13. Yep.

12. Neither does an orchestra but who gives a shit?

11. Can you?

10. Go on…?

9 - 8. Did you piss yourself?

7. Speaking of lying wannabes, well, the authors of this list for starters. It’s bastards like you that are holding us all back. Why would someone lie about liking it?

6. Ok. So, what, is he a friend of yours? Does he tell you stories about his Beach Boy days?

5. (yawn)

4. (yawn…burp)

3. (sigh) (look at my watch)

2. Go on…One more filler. You can do it…

1. No one is the walrus.

I couldn't find a peace sign emoticon, so :thefinger
#100 is correct though.
Beatles fans will never let you have an opinion of your own. :thefinger
They weren't rocking even by early sixties standards and Kiss had the decency to stop after one shitty movie.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Considering pretty much anyone could go online and do a "100 Reasons Why <Insert Generic Metal Band Here> Sucks" article... :dunno:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Hey Moonchild - You wrapped it up for me. Respect heading your way :)


I'm watching some specialist videos
The Beatles were innovative. There was nothing like them when they released their first record in 1962. Mention has been made of Zappa, Hendrix, The Stones, all of which came a lot later in the decade and all of which were innovative in their own right. The Beatles changed their style over the 8 years through Sgt Pepper and Revolver to Let It Be (1970) and were a phenomenon in their time. There has not been a band since that has had the impact of The Beatles, regardless of whether or not you like the group, or the individuals in the group. The lead the way at the time, and have had a lasting impact on music and the music industry ever since.


Is somewhere outhere.
The Yellow Submarine was my favourite of theirs but other than that I
couldn't be bothered with any of their stuff. :rolleyes:
#100 is correct though.
Beatles fans will never let you have an opinion of your own. :thefinger

Generally speaking, when you dismiss, en mass, all of the accomplishments, talents, and influence on future bands of such a successful band, you're pretty much practicing the exact same tactic that they are.


My Penis Is Dancing!
The list was about as poorly written as Silly Little Love Songs - I stopped reading around number 60 or so when I kept finding things that had actually been done by Paul while he was with Wings.
BTW, they did not all suck. Ringo's nose got in the way quite a few times.

Seriously, people can take them or leave them as they may. Some of their works have not aged well, while the music industry still hasn't caught up with some of their sounds. But any attempts to dismiss them or their influence is pure folly.


Lord Dipstick
Oasis performing live with "The Beatles"....MUCH better than the original, I say!:clap:
Funny list. At least they're not Nickelback, though the way the radio station down here plays them all the time I could swear they believe that Nickelback is the second coming of the Beatles.